Leon County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller
Court Case Search
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Limit on Copies Requested
Due to high volume of requests for Court Records, effective immediately the number of free copies allowed is limited to (9) nine documents or a maximum of (20) twenty pages per user. Any request that exceeds the limit is required to register for Secure Web or contact the Clerk's office for payment instructions at (850) 606-4000.
We encourage all users to register with Secure Web which allows customers to access and print court documents from the comfort of their home or office free of charge, reducing in-office copy costs and wait times. While anonymous and registered users have access to redacted case information, access to protected cases is governed by the Supreme Court and Rules of Judicial Administration 2.420. Identity verification for specific user roles is required.
Every effort will be made by the Leon County Clerk of Courts to make the requested document(s) available within 7 to 10 business days from the request date. Please note this may take longer for larger documents, or documents containing higher amounts of confidential data.
Customers with questions or comments are asked to e-mail clerk_judicial@leoncountyfl.gov.
For a full understanding of the roles designated by the Florida Supreme Court for access to public Court records please see
Supreme Court of Florida
No. AOSC14-19; No. AOSC15-18; AOSC16-14
Leon County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller
Court Case Search