Juvenile Dependency
Juvenile Dependency handles cases involving children who have been abandoned, abused or neglected. Juvenile records are maintained as confidential under Florida Law.
Forms and Assistance
A Caregiver's Guide to Dependency Court
Dependency Benchbook
Dependency/TPR Indigence Packet
Juvenile Dependency FAQ'S (850) 606-4120
The Department of Children and Families DCFS will notify you of court dates. If you need information regarding any future court date and time of hearing, you may visit our office at 301 S. Monroe Street, Suite 100, Tallahassee, FL. Proper identification is required.
The Department of Children and Families DCFS - (850) 488-0500.
Under Florida Statutes, Chapter 984, a "child in need of services" is a child for whom there is:
Under Florida Statutes, chapter 984, a "family in need of services" means a family that has a child who is:
Under Florida Statutes, Chapter 39, a dependent child is one who has been found by a court to: