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Leon County jurors are encouraged to register online to perform several common tasks. Jurors can update contact information, request postponements or excusals and confirm service using our eResponse system. By providing a valid email or mobile phone number, you will receive immediate notification regarding your service. This includes reporting requirements or cancellations.
Juror Electronic Response SystemJuror Reporting Instructions
If you did not register your information on eResponse, you must call to confirm your service.
After 5:10 P.M. on the evening before you are scheduled to report, check the status of your Candidate ID on the main jury page of the court's website or call (850) 583-9678, select option 1 for instructions. If you have a 12:45 pm reporting time, check after 10am on the reporting date.
If your Pool Order number is confirmed, you are ordered to report as instructed in your confirmation email or text and as noted on the jury messaging phone line
Summoned jurors who have health concerns related to COVID-19 may be allowed to be postponed. If you are sick with respiratory symptoms, a fever, or a cough, DO NOT REPORT. Email the Jury Services office at Clerk_Jury@leoncountyfl.gov and include the reason for the request or any documents you wish to provide the court. You may also call (850) 606-4007 or click here to request that your jury service be deferred to a future date.
You have just received a summons to report for jury duty and for some reason you cannot comply.
The court realizes that jury service may impose a hardship on citizens and although the expectation is that all citizens will serve when required, the court has provisions in place for both temporary and permanent excusals.
Before being transferred to the e-response excusal page we ask you to please read the following instructions to assure that the information requested can be filled in correctly.
If you need assistance, contact the Jury Coordinator's Office at (850) 606-4007, or via e-mail at Clerk_Jury@leoncountyfl.gov.
Jury Summons
You probably have questions regarding jury service. The court realizes that jury service may impose a hardship on citizens. However, the right to trial by jury is one of the principles guaranteed by the Constitution, and it is the duty of every citizen to serve when called. Every effort is made to assure that each juror has a positive experience.
Juror names are provided from a list of names supplied quarterly by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. Our jury database then randomly selects the names when prompted by the creation of a new jury pool.
If you have a significant scheduling conflict (i.e., prepaid vacation, business trip, etc.) you may take advantage of a one-time courtesy rescheduling utilizing eResponse
To help you find answers to many of your common questions, we have provided the following topics:
Mandatory Disqualified Exemptions
You can be excused for one of the optional reasons only if you ask to be excused. Under the penalty of perjury, you may request to be excused from jury service if you are:
Examination of Jurors or "Voir dire"
Once prospective jurors are impaneled in a case, the judge and the lawyers will ask about their backgrounds. These questions are not intended to embarrass jurors. They are designed to help lawyers decide which jurors to select.
Jurors may sometimes feel that they cannot be impartial in a certain case. If this is true for you, be sure to bring it to the attention of the judge, even if the questions you were asked did not address the issue. If you are excused from a jury, you should not take it personally. When jurors are excused, it means only that there are proper and lawful reasons for the excusal.
Types of Trials
Cases that come before a trial jury, or Petit Jury, are divided into two general classes: civil and criminal.
In a civil trial, parties in a dispute come to court to have a jury determine their respective rights. One party usually seeks relief or compensation for a loss or injury that they claim was caused by the actions of the opposing party. The party that files the lawsuit or brings an action against another is called the Plaintiff. The person against whom the action is brought is the Defendant.
In a criminal trial, on the other hand, the party that brings the actions against others is the State of Florida, represented by a prosecutor from the State Attorney's Office. The Defendant is the person accused of violating the law.
Length of Service
The first day of service is normally limited to jury selection for trials that will be held during that week. Jurors selected to serve on a case will be asked to return and serve on the dates of that trial.
Compensation for Jury Duty
Florida law determines juror compensation. If a person continues to receive regular wages while serving as a juror, the state will not compensate that person for the first three days of jury service. You are entitled to a $15 per day payment (flat rate with no separate amount for mileage) from the state if you are:
What to wear?
When you report or serve for jury service, we ask you to please dress appropriately. Casual clothes are not suitable for jury service. Jurors should wear business or business-casual attire. You also may want to bring a light jacket or sweater, as courtrooms are often cool. Military or other uniforms are also appropriate attire for both men and women. Beach attire, shorts, flip flops and tank tops are inappropriate attire for jury service.
Courthouse Security and Prohibited Items
For the safety of everyone, there are security screenings at the entrance of the courthouse. When entering the courthouse, you will be required to go through security screening. Please keep the following in mind.
Wireless Internet
For your convenience, free wireless broadband Internet access is available to jurors.
A cafeteria/snack bar is located on the second floor of the courthouse. Vending machines are available throughout the courthouse, so you may want to remember to bring cash. Also, there are several restaurants within easy walking distance of the courthouse. You are welcome to bring your own lunch or snacks, but we do not have refrigeration available.
THANK YOU for your willingness to serve as a juror, and to help the Court continue to provide this vital function of our democracy during these challenging times.