To search for information relating to the identity of a respondent against whom a final judgment for injunction for the protection of a minor, you will need to follow these search steps:
Request to Add Information from a Final Judgment for Injunction for Protection of Minor to Public Website
Any affected person that has an injunction recorded prior to July 1, 2024 that does not show when searched as "INM - INJUNCTION FOR MINOR" code type, has the right to request that the Leon County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller's office to add the information to the clerk's website if the information involves the identity of a respondent against whom a final judgment for an injunction for the protection of a minor under s. 741.30, s. 784.046, or s. 784.0485, F.S. is entered, unless the respondent is a minor. The request must be in writing and contain the case number. Requests can be submitted by one of the following options:
Email from our Contact Us page
Leon County Clerk & Comptroller's Office
ATTN: Official Records
301 S. Monroe Street, #100
Tallahassee, Fl 32301
In Person: